Tufrè X MV


Food & Drink


Tufrè X MV allows the User to access, through personal credentials, the "canteen" environment of his Company.With Tufrè X MV the User can consult the proposed meals (daily or weekly), know their preparation in order to be guaranteed on any allergens or other, communicate with the Manager in order to be able to cope with sudden health needs (special diets for short periods, cooking "in white" for seasonal diseases). With Tufrè X MV, canteens can be managed with more than one location, leaving traces of the users movements (meals eaten on blades on the specific day).Tufrè X MV allows to obtain in a very simple way (xlsx, csv) the reports concerning the single user or a group (previously trained) and is able to interface with the main HR and / or management software in general.Tufrè X MV is an APP with a green soul as it reduces any use of the card during the booking phase, but above all it allows the Manager to be more punctual on the preparation of meals, minimizing waste of any kind.